HMRC Brexit communications resources
HM Revenue and Customs Brexit resources to help stakeholders.
These resources support detailed guidance for Brexit on GOV.UK.
They have been designed to help stakeholders and intermediaries support their members, clients and customers with Brexit.
Updates to this page
The planned downtime for the the tool to find out how to import goods from the EU and re-export them back to the EU in the 'Importing from and re-exporting union goods to the EU – flowchart (accessible version)' attachment that started at 2pm on Friday 6 October 2023 will now end at 3pm on Friday 13 October 2023. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Due to planned downtime, the tool to find out how to import goods from the EU and re-export them back to the EU in the 'Importing from and re-exporting union goods to the EU – flowchart (accessible version)' attachment will be unavailable from 2pm on Friday 6 October 2023 to 10am on Tuesday 10 October 2023.
Page updated to remove the 'Personal supplementary declaration planner', which was out-of-date.
Added Welsh translation of 'Full customs controls – actions for EU businesses trading with the UK'.
The leaflet 'Full customs controls – actions for EU businesses trading with the UK' has been updated with a section on the Goods Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS).
Published a new HTML leaflet 'Full customs controls – actions for EU businesses trading with the UK'.
Added 'Personal supplementary declaration planner' document to the page.
Published an updated version of the 'Travellers Communication Pack'.
Published an updated version of the 'Travellers Communication Pack'.
An accessible version of the importing from and re-exporting union goods to the EU – flowchart has been added.
Published ‘Things to consider when you appoint a customs intermediary’.
Published 'Importing from and re-exporting union goods to the EU - flowchart', accessible and print versions
Added Welsh language translation of trader checklist.
Added 'Travellers Communication Pack' resources for partners and stakeholders.
Published checklist to help traders prepare to move goods between Great Britain and Europe from 1 January 2021.
First published.